The FGG team is composed of dynamic, enterprising, experienced and committed professionals in the fields of civil engineering and business management. We provide the attention and know-how to guarantee the best service expected and concrete results whether working with an individual, architect or corporate clients.
The FGG team is being led primarily by its founders. (Individual resume available upon request)
RCS Machine Works (Heavy Equipment Parts, Service & Machining)
Juresa Heavy Equipment Rental
Safety Organization of the Philippine (SOPI)
The Safety Organization of the Philippines, Inc. spearheads the national safety movement by the way of promoting safety consciousness and accident prevention among our people.
Philippine Constructors Association, Inc. (PCA)
With a vision to be a respected organization and a catalyst for the continuous improvement of standards and practices to achieve a sustainable and globally competitive construction industry to benefit primarily the Philippines, the Filipino people, and the world.
Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board
An implementing arm of the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines, tasked among others, issuance, denial, suspension or revocation of licenses to construction contractors.
Contractor License No. 36009
Principal Classification: Category “B” General Building/Engineering
Securities and Exchange Commission
Supervises over all registered business entities in the country, including suspensions and revocations of their registrations.
SEC Registration No.: CS200914415
Bureau of Internal Revenue
The Internal Revenue Collecting arm of the Philippine Government.
TIN No.: 007-367-454-000
Ensures a sustainable national health insurance program for all.
PhilHealth No.: 021000002206
Social Security System
The Social Security System protects the economic security of workers, retirees and their families.
Registration No.: 03-9268214-9
A provident savings system for employees, private and public, who shall be the members, supported by matching contributions of their respective employers, with housing as the primary investment.
Registration Number: 03BU8024